

Alec Leamas

The LIRC remote configurations project.

The LIRC project is about managing IR remotes. For each remote used, there should be a
configuration file. This project manages these files which can be browsed here.

The configurations here should be usable in current LIRC versions and
also in winLIRC However, the real purpose of this project is to
provide a better foundation for configuration tools. These tools are in
the upcoming 0.9.2 version.

Changes compared to previous version.

The "old" definitions lived partly in the lirc sources (in the remotes/ directory) and
partly (mostly) in the remotes database.

Compared to these this project has:

  • Merged all definitions in one place
  • Moved to using git, here is a history.
  • Cleaned-up some non-parsable definitions.
  • Renamed files to more uniform naming conventions.
  • Scripts running which indexes the database.

LIRC configuration file tools.

There are some new tools in LIRC for configuration files:

  • lirc-config-tool(1) can be used to scan for old key symbols not in
    the namespace, and can also update in many cases.
  • lirc-lsremotes(1) can parse configuration files and report errors.
  • irdb-get(1) is a simple CLI tool which can search, list and download
    configuration files. It's a self-contained python scripts which can
    be copied from current lirc and used as-is independent of lirc
    version installed (if any).

Tips for adding new remote controls:

There are some tips for generating the lircd.conf file at the [manual] page.

Remote configuration guidelines.

There is a [Checklist] describing how to check new configurations before they are
added to the database.


Wiki: Checklist
Wiki: manual
LIRC: Tickets: #175