

Tony Prisk

If you are having trouble downloading from the git repository, try these instructions:

1) Get the source (master-branch)
git clone git:// linuxwmt-code

'linuxwmt-code' specifys the subdirectory the repository will be created in.

2) Change into the new subdirectory (Hopefully you know how to do this :) )
cd linuxwmt-code

3) Get the wmt branch
git checkout wmt

You should now be working with the current wmt source. Periodically, you will need to update the source to get the current updates.

4) Updating the wmt branch (you must be on the wmt branch for this to work)
git pull

To check that you are on the correct branch:
git branch
You should have an asterisk (*) next to 'wmt'.

If you are still having issues, email the mailing list. It is better to get issues sorted out and instructions updated to get more users testing the code.