
Image Changelog Log in to Edit

Zachary Powell



  • Fixed user not being able to use sudo
  • Fixed S and M being used as keyboard short cuts
  • Backtrack 5 wallpaper included again (by popluar demand!)
  • Dare I say it Backtrack should now be completely stable


  • Fixed md5 miss match


  • fixed "error creating child process for terminal" when launching a terminal in backtrack
  • Now asks for a password for VNC on first start up
  • Removed some typoes in the script


  • Backtrack images updated to fix user issues


  • It now asks if you want to start ssh and vnc at first boot and let you save the choices. (The complete installer app can change ssh/vnc start choices and change vnc resolution later, the free apps can do it by editing a file)
  • Resolution and other settings are now saved the same place as the image itself so they are easy to edit. The file is called imagename.img.configs
  • The permissions on /sdcard and /external_sd should be fixed now.
  • Now the hosts and resolv.conf files are only written once, so changes the user make will now survive a restart.
  • Plus a lot of changes to support the new config system, to many to mention.



Updated to beta
Internet working
* All updates and fully working pacman

All changes from Core included
'Mostly' working vnc GUI
LXDE Desktop included
2GB file size
* Known Issues - LXDE dosnt render correctly, VNC does not let you change password, password set to 'backtrac'

All changes from Core included
'Mostly' working vnc GUI
KDE Desktop included
3.5GB file size
* Known Issues - KDE# dosnt render correctly, VNC does not let you change password, password set to 'backtrac'



  • Debian images updated to fix user issues


  • It now asks if you want to start ssh and vnc at first boot and let you save the choices. (The complete installer app can change ssh/vnc start choices and change vnc resolution later, the free apps can do it by editing a file)
  • Resolution and other settings are now saved the same place as the image itself so they are easy to edit. The file is called imagename.img.configs
  • The permissions on /sdcard and /external_sd should be fixed now.
  • Now the hosts and resolv.conf files are only written once, so changes the user make will now survive a restart.
  • Plus a lot of changes to support the new config system, to many to mention.


  • Now includes Debian images (core/small/large) V1



  • It now asks if you want to start ssh and vnc at first boot and let you save the choices. (The complete installer app can change ssh/vnc start choices and change vnc resolution later, the free apps can do it by editing a file)
  • Resolution and other settings are now saved the same place as the image itself so they are easy to edit. The file is called imagename.img.configs
  • The permissions on /sdcard and /external_sd should be fixed now.
  • Now the hosts and resolv.conf files are only written once, so changes the user make will now survive a restart.
  • Plus a lot of changes to support the new config system, to many to mention.


  • Now boot using a normal user (called ubuntu), on first boot it will ask for you to set your own admin password for using running things as root. (thanks to barryflanagan for this!)
  • Images now once again ask if you wish to save the screen size as default
  • Ubuntu updated to newest updates
  • Images include md5 files to check image
  • +Plus possibly other tweaks I cant remember!


  • New Ubuntu 12.04 images. Core, small and full all updated to newest updates from ubuntus main stream
  • Full image now include Unity desktop
  • Firefox now working on both small and full images


Wiki: Backtrack
Wiki: Changelog
Wiki: Ubuntu