
LinuxMCE (Linux Media Center Edition) / News: Recent posts


Wow... this page was out of date. I have just spent some time updating it and turning off old junk that wasn't being used. Most of the activity happens on the main website. Come and check it out at Feel free to join us on the forums or IRC chat if you have any questions. Also the WIKI is always a great source of information with articles like this FAQ: The dev team is finalising the code base of the 810 version of LinuxMCE and will soon move on to coding some exciting new features and improvements. Stay tuned!

Posted by Lukas Gibb 2010-03-19

LinuxMCE 0704 Release

LinuxMCE – whole house media There’s a major new release of LinuxMCE that includes a suite of integrated media center applications providing PVR, movies, music, photo viewer, telecom, home security and automation, controlled with an alpha-blended 3D user interface. It is an open source, whole house solution supporting thin clients.

Posted by Paul W 2007-08-08