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File Date Author Commit
 README 2008-01-03 charding [r2] Update of email address 2008-01-03 charding [r1] Initial add of files 2008-01-03 charding [r1] Initial add of files

Read Me

Linux Lotto 0.1.1

To install:

	Run the cmd:
		tar xjvf linuxlotto-0.x.x.tar.bz2 
	in a directory where you have write permissions. A 
	directory called linuxlotto-0.x.x will be created
	where the x's mean the version number of the current 
	linuxlotto release you just downloaded. cd into 
	the directory and run:


	This is the main program. is the ftp script that is run for
	updating your Super7 data file which is called super7.txt. The super7.txt 
	file will not be present when you untar the file and will update it if 
	you're running this for the first time. Any other updates that are needed
	are appended and sorted to this text file.


	These can be found on

Starting for the first time

	You'll need to ftp anonymously to an ftp server which downloads the 
	lotto numbers. After that you can update as much as you want. The lottery
	is drawn every friday. So assuming everything works ok, friday night or 
	every saturday monring you can update the additional numbers from the previously
	drawn lottery.

	I'll update this file as the project gets bigger, etc.

PATCH FILE for linuxlotto 0.1.1
	Alternatively you can patch from 0.1 to 0.1.1:
	Run patch -p0 < linuxlotto.patch in the linuxlotto directory to patch

Craig Harding