
#229 Linux Libertine Mono: not showing up in monospaced font list


I copied LinLibertine_M.otf to ~/.fonts, and run fc-cache -vf.
Linux LIbertine Mono O shows up in a generic font-list (like GVim's), but doesn't show up in monospaced fonts list (like KDE's system settings, Konsole's font list, etc.).
$ fc-list :spacing=mono | grep Libertine | wc -l
$ fc-list --version
fontconfig version 2.9.0

I opened the font in Fontforge and following the instructions at show quite a few glyphs that have different widths.
If I select all glyphs and set width to 640, and generate a new OTF font then it does show up in apps' monospaced fonts list, but that is probably not the right way to fix it.


  • Török Edwin

    Török Edwin - 2012-08-11
    • labels: --> Font: Other
  • J.D. Laub

    J.D. Laub - 2015-09-28

    Bump. (At least I think my issue is related.) I asked why I couldn't get mintty in cygwin to use Linux Libertine Mono; the reply:

    On Mon, 28 Sep 2015 08:53:17 +0200, Thomas Wolff wrote:

    The reason for that is probably that the font file is missing
    an explicit flag to identify it as a monospace font. I suggest to file a
    bug with Linux Libertine about that.


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