
MIL-STD 188-141A ALE decoder now on Linux

There has been an ALE decoder for utility radio listeners on the Windows platform only. PC-ALE on MS Windows by Charles Brain, has been very popular among the utility listeners and has brought some new colour to the hobby.

Now we have started a LinuxALE project: an initial Linux version code is created by Charles himself, but the first working version saw the daylight just around a week ago.

The 0.0.1 version of LinuxALE has only minimal features: it can decode ALE bursts from .wav files or sound card, write timestamp and simple text log, but nothing else. And it's still pretty hard to decode ALE without errors: the child is having some sync problems.

Hope this software will get some more wind under its wings.

Posted by Ilkka Toivanen 2001-05-22

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