

Linux-Secure DEVELOPMENT IS STOPPED. Previous versions are obsolete, and should not be used any more.
However, Boot-Repair and OS-Uninstaller, are still actively maintained.
If you need to use them, please check their respective websites.

Linux-Secure (previously Ubuntu-Secure-Remix) was a slightly improved Ubuntu disk designed especially to install and use Ubuntu in dual-boot with Windows (or MacOS).


  • same functionalities as the normal Ubuntu disk, but also :
  • integrates Clean-Ubiquity: automatic backup of the MBRs and partition tables when installing Ubuntu, which is highly recommended for dual-boot Ubuntu-Windows (or MacOS)
  • integrates OS-Uninstaller (tool to uninstall any Operating System from your PC)
  • integrates Boot-Repair (tool to fix the PC boot)

The only differences compared to a standard Ubuntu desktop are the 2 additional Boot-Repair and OS-Uninstaller launchers:

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