
Good Work! / User interface suggestions

  • Lawrence P. Glaister

    I am very happy to see your project online. I am running RH FC1 and the project built perfectly. I am smith chart challenged, and it really helps to see a picture of what is going on. I had used a similar dos version that had a little better "knobs" for tuning the various elements. The dos version used pairs of keys to put the values up and down, so using 4 fingers one could easily jockey the component values. For the x version, if there were up/dwn buttons in the circuits list that incremented or decremented the values by say 1%, it would be a little faster to tune circuit elements and see the matching effect. The existing interface is great for defining the circuit and starting values.  I found the slider value wasnt of much use as one had to keep hitting the modify button to see the results.... perhaps an auto recalc every so many milliseconds when the slider is active would help. As an example, try a load of 3.5mhz, 8-j1500. This can be matched with and L network of about 2100pf in parallell and 69000nH in series. This load is typical of an 80meter mobile whip antenna. Using the existing interface it takes quite a while to come up with these values. Any suggestions for better "knobs" from other users?
    Lawrence Glaister VE7IT,
    Nanoose Bay BC Canada.

    • John Coppens

      John Coppens - 2004-08-22

      Hello Lawrence.

      Thanks for your observations. I teach transmission lines and antennas during the first semester here, so I really didn't use the program much after publishing it. The result being that I am not adding the things I'd like as fast as I should ;-)

      You're right about the sliders, and I've been meaning to make the effect immediate. If I make that immediate, you'll be able to use the keys too, as you can change the position of the bar using keys.

      To be honest - there have been around 200 downloads, and only three comments - yours included.

      Thanks for the note, I suspect I can add the scrollbar-thing fairly easily - check back!



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