
LinProg.NET / News: Recent posts

LinProg.NET ver. 0.5.5 - some routine

I fixed some errors in modified simplex method. However I think not all. Keep working. Now for project build you can use Nant. I also added support of lp format that is used by lp_solve package. First priorities now - fix errors and speedup computations.

Posted by Art Wild 2005-01-30

LinProg.Net - Brunch & Bound for linear-integer programming

Included method based on Branch and Bound method for solving linear-integer programming tasks.
Next step will be heuristics and sparse matrix representation.

Posted by Art Wild 2004-12-23

BnB are coming!

I almost finished BnB algorithm. It will be avalible by the end of this week. Everyone intrested in this project are welcome for beta testing.

Posted by Art Wild 2004-12-16

Modified Simplex and Parametrical Analysis in version 0.4

New version has support of modified simplex method and parametrical analysis. Documentation will be later. Use examples for understanding task sintacsis.

Posted by Art Wild 2004-10-02

Dual simplex method

I've just finished dual simplex method. Sametimes it gets strange results. Needs many tests. So you can try.

Posted by Art Wild 2004-06-21

Finished simple simplex method

I finished M-task simplex method.

I created internal format for tasks that would be solved only by simplex method. This format allow using only real variables. No integer, no parametric. It is simple clone of more advenced format for package "LinProg/P" (
Sorry only Russian help. Coming soon English.

I also added parser for MPS format. May will be LP parser. How knows?

Posted by Art Wild 2004-06-15

LinProg.NET - Good start

Beautiful day! LinProg.NET project has been started.

Posted by Art Wild 2004-03-01