
LinPiper / News: Recent posts

LinPiper 0.1 Documentation Available

LinPiper 0.1 documentation is now available at:

There isn't very much to document right now, but this should help less-experienced users with installation.

Posted by Anonymous 2003-09-30

Release: Version 0.1

I've just released LinPiper 0.1. This is earlier than I was planning to do it, but I could see no point in waiting. This release is lacking a lot of features (see release notes), but it does have enough to make it useful.

I'm very interested in getting feedback on this version, especially reports of which models it works with.

Posted by Anonymous 2003-09-24

Version 0.1 Coming Soon

LinPiper 0.1 should be released this weekend, as the version number suggests it's far from complete. However, it can upload and remove files from the JazPiper, so it's still usefull. A screenshot is available here:

Posted by Anonymous 2003-09-24