
Linpac 0.20 is on it's way..

Hello Everyone,

David, KI6ZHD here and as menioned in the forum some time ago, I have taken over maintinance of Linpac. Though many of Radek's previous comments still stand true, packet radio is coming back to some level across the world and Linpac is one of the best programs out there for Linux! It's modular, light weight, and gives users full access to the power of AX.25 and doesn't hide anything.

Anyway, though it might have seemed that nothing happened since I took over the project in 2012, that's not true. I privately patched the code to get things to compile and run and many HAMs have that 0.17pre4 private code. Now with help from KA6HLD, the autoconf tools setup has been brought up to modern specs and is going to be released. I will be posting Linpac 0.20 shortly which will compile cleanly on modern Linux machines and has some minor improvements as well.

In addition to the Linpac release .tgz, the code will also be posted to Git with the goal of getting other developers to help me work through the TODO list of bug fixes, feature enhancements, etc. I also plan to migrate this TODO list into SF's various trackers for bug fixes, enhancements, etc.

If you have questions, please message me here on and if you're an active Linux packet user, please pass on the word of Linpac to your fellow packet users!


Posted by David Ranch 2014-08-03 Labels: 0.20

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