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    Hello, I want to warn you about a problem found in last star xfce iso: the reboot feature doesn't work, doing only a logout, resubmitting a login screen instead of the grub screen. The command on terminal reboot -f works normally. Is there a manual trick to solve this issue? Thanks!


    Last edit: FRANCESCO QUARANTA 2019-02-13
  • saleem

    saleem - 2019-03-23

    This issue is present in JWM and Fluxbox ISO files as well

  • Ozitraveller

    Ozitraveller - 2019-03-23

    I've just tested OB Jwm and FB, they all work as epected. Xfce has it's own logout dialog, and part of xfce.

    The logout script is in /usr/bin/star-logout


    I found no /usr/bin/star-logout script in my copy, sorry. I have a dual boot pc and I cannot access to grub os choice display after restarting in graphical way. Always back to Star user login.

  • Ahmad nizam oktafandhi

    hello guys iam from indonesia glad to join

  • Guillaume Vareille


    Last edit: Guillaume Vareille 2021-05-07
  • snugglezz

    snugglezz - 2022-07-01

    Best distribution ever. Have been using this for years as a basis for a DIY console-as-much-as-possible system using i3. I prefer the amd 64 netinst image. No schnickschnack, just works. Damned fast an stable. Glad to see that Uhura is out. But wonder when the amd netinst image will be available.


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