
Tree [62ac2e] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 assets 2013-05-15 dev dev [b0406c] New build env, hd templates, and SDL for x86
 jni 2013-06-28 dev dev [62ac2e] SDL compatibility for Active events
 manifest 2013-05-24 dev dev [277eea] Rename Activities 2
 res 2013-06-09 dev dev [5883de] VNC Canvas align
 src 2013-06-09 dev dev [22f58f] Enable cache
 AndroidManifest.xml 2013-05-15 dev dev [b0406c] New build env, hd templates, and SDL for x86
 COPYING 2012-10-11 dev dev [371c25] Initial codebase - Rel 0.9.2
 README 2013-05-18 dev dev [19162c] more optimization
 VERSION 2013-05-14 dev dev [e34cba] Upgraded glib to 2.24 2013-05-19 dev dev [b969ef] Rename build scripts 2013-05-18 dev dev [003d0d] Added debugging 2013-05-19 dev dev [b969ef] Rename build scripts 2013-05-04 Max Max [48fe17] No really Android 17

Read Me

Limbo PC Emulator (QEMU x86) for Android    


1. What is Limbo?

Limbo is a QEMU-based emulator for Android. It currently supports PC emulation 
for Intel x86 architecture.
For more information visit:


2. Requirements:

    Android SDK
    Android NDK r8
    Eclipse + Eclipse Android plugin or Netbeans + Android plugin
    An Android device (most stock/custom roms should be compatible)


3. Known Issues:
3. Setup

    Configure variables for toolchain and NDK directories for your device
     in jni/android-config.mak.
    Configure your PATH variable add the NDK Directory so makefile can find ndk-build

4. Build

    a. To build the app make sure you're under the root directory:
        $> cd /home/youraccount/.../limbo-android

    b. Build the static and shared libraries :
        Change directory to ./jni and type:
    c. Build the Android APK (Limbo.apk) from Eclipse or Netbeans.
    	** Make sure the *.so libraries are zipped in the final .apk
    	(Eclipse should do that automatically) 
   	d. Build the debugging version:
   		i. Modify debuggable flag in AndroidManifest.xml to true
   		ii. Modify android-config.mak and point to a configuration 
   			with no optimization: 
   			ie android-generic-armv5te-softfp-noopt.mak
   		ii. From the command line type:
   			make NDK_DEBUG=1
    e. If you want to build the ARM Emulator update qemu.config.mak file:
    TARGET_LIST = arm-softmmu
    f. For ARMv7 phones:
        i. Update android-config.mak and include file android-generic-armv7a-vfpv3d16.mak 
        ii. make

    g. For x86 phones:
        i. Update android-config.mak and include file android-ndkr8-x86.mak 
        ii. make

	h. Deploy to different package (Optional) 
        i. Rename all R references using eclipse 
        	Menu Bar => "Search" => "Replace"
        	Search for: "import"
        	Replace with: "import"
        ii. Re-Link Androidmanifest.xml to a different manifest file
   			ln -s manifest/AndroidManifestARMv7.xml Androidmanifest.xml 
    i. To clean up type:
    	make ultraclean
5. Run
	a. Recommend installing a full Qwerty keyboard for Android (ie Hacker's keyboard 
		from the Google Android store) 
	b. Start the Limbo app and choose CPU, Memory (~8-64MB),etc..
	c. Choose a bootable disk image(s) for CDRom, Floppy, and a HDD image
	d. Start the virtual machine.
    e. Have fun!
6. License
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


Copyright � 2012 Max Kastanas
