
Limada / News: Recent posts

limada::concept 0.091 released


is an application to draw, edit and store concept maps. A concept map is a diagram showing the relationships among concepts. They are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts.

Concepts can be connected with labeled arrows. The relationship between concepts can be articulated in linking phrases, e.g., "gives rise to", "results in", "is required by," or "contributes to".... read more

Posted by lytico 2011-05-19

limada::concept 0.09 released

limada::concept 0.09 released

version 0.09

is an application to draw, edit and store concept maps.

* NEW: split and merge concepts

* NEW: import and export files as content

* NEW: export a concept



A concept map is a diagram showing the relationships among concepts. They are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts.... read more

Posted by lytico 2010-11-26

limada:concept 0.09 sources in git

the sources of the upcomming release 0.09 are in git now:

Posted by lytico 2010-11-26

limada::concept 0.081 released

version 0.081

is an application to draw, edit and store concept maps.

* NEW: Create and edit rich text notes

* NEW: HTML-Viewer is now backed on Gecko 1.9 (Firefox-Engine)

* NEW: HTML-Viewer uses a build in proxy-webserver, so you can browse in the database


INFO: read more

Posted by lytico 2009-11-16

limada::concept 0.08 released

limada::concept 0.08

is an application to draw, edit and store concept maps.

* NEW: Drag and drop images, rich text, html
* NEW: Organize different views on your concept maps in sheets


INFO: read more

Posted by lytico 2009-06-18

limada::concept: a concept mapping tool

this is the initial release of limada::concept and release 0.072 of limada::framework and limaki in one package.


is an application to draw, edit and store concept maps. A concept map is a diagram showing the relationships among concepts. They are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts.
Concepts can be connected with labeled arrows. The relationship between concepts can be articulated in linking phrases, e.g., "gives rise to", "results in", "is required by," or "contributes to".
Concept maps are similar to mindmaps, but give more freedom, as mindmaps are often restricted to radial hierarchies and tree structures.
* Add concepts by typing or drag and drop
* Link your concepts, and label them
* You can link a concept with as many other concepts you need. You can link concepts with other links
* Move your concepts around as you like and as you need it. No restriction for placing or ordering!
* Your concept-map is stored in a database. You can make very big maps with many of concepts and links.
* Assign different shapes to a concept
* Work with a splitted screen: several views or sub-views of the same concept-map.
* Export your map as an image
The main purpose of this program is to demonstrate the possibilities of limada::framework. As the framework is in pre-alpha, there is no garantee that you can read your data with later versions.
contains limada::concept, limada::framework and limaki... read more

Posted by lytico 2009-03-03

Limaki 0.071 Release

Limaki is a framework for building interactive information visualization applications.

New features since Version 0.07:

* Expand and collapse nodes to show or hide the siblings

Download at:


The design of Limaki follows the principle of separation of concerns. Data and visual model are separated, similar to the model-view-controller design pattern. In a further step, the view part of the pattern is itself modeled after mvc-pattern to separate visual models from concrete displays. Modular view controllers are used to handle user input in a flexible and reusable fashion.... read more

Posted by lytico 2008-12-19

Limada 0.07 Release

Limada (Linked Marked Data) is a framework for managing relationships of data in non-hierarchical structures. It is suitable for data sets where the individual elements are interconnected in complex ways. The philosophy behind is that information is not in the data, but in the relationship between the data.

The basic data structures are things, links and graphs.

A thing holds a piece of information, such as text or numerical data.... read more

Posted by lytico 2008-10-14

Limaki 0.07 Release

Limaki is a framework for building interactive information visualization applications.

New features since Version 0.064:

* Generic GraphPair to transform one graph into an other and vice versa (bi-directinal)
* Persistent generic graph based on db4o's object database
* Labeling of Edges

Download at:


The design of Limaki follows the principle of separation of concerns. Data and visual model are separated, similar to the model-view-controller design pattern. In a further step, the view part of the pattern is itself modeled after mvc-pattern to separate visual models from concrete displays. Modular view controllers are used to handle user input in a flexible and reusable fashion.... read more

Posted by lytico 2008-10-10

Limaki.Graphics 0.064 Release

Limaki.Graphics is a graph visualization library.

The library provides

* Basic data structures to represent graphs, nodes and links. A graph consists of nodes and links (or vertices and edges, if you like).
* A graphical editor to add, edit and remove links and nodes of a graph
* Support of links on links
* DragDrop of string data
* Tree-Layout

Download at: read more

Posted by lytico 2008-08-07

Limaki.Graphics Version 0.063 Release

Limaki.Graphics is a graph visualization library.

The library provides
* basic data structures to represent graphs, nodes and links. A graph consists of nodes and links (or vertices and edges, if you like).
* support of links on links

* a graphical component to
* visualize nodes and links
* add, edit and remove links and nodes
* moving and resizing of nodes
* zoom and pan
* drag and drop NEW
* tree-layout NEW... read more

Posted by lytico 2008-07-02

Limaki.Graphics Initial Release

Limaki.Graphics is a graph visualization library.

The library provides
* Basic data structures to represent graphs, nodes and links. A graph consists of nodes and links (or vertices and edges, if you like).
* A graphical editor to add, edit and remove links and nodes of a graph
* Support of links on links

Why another graph-library?
Until now, there is no open source graph visualization library in c# which supports the concept of links on links. Links on Links means that a link can connect not only nodes, but other links too: a link acts as a node.
This release is a proof of concept; the main purpose was to find out an architecture which provides a user-friendly graphical interface to manipulate graph structures.
This is a pre-alpha-release-release, that means, that the api will change in future releases and I will not provide backwards compatibility nor a documentation of the changes.... read more

Posted by lytico 2008-04-22

Limaki.ImageDisplay 0.061 Minor Update

Limaki ImageDisplay is a control which can be used to view images, similar to PictureBox in System.Windows.Forms. The image can bee zoomed with mouse-clicks (left: zoom in, right: zoom out). You can navigate through a zoomed image by pressing the left mouse button and tracking around. You can select areas of the image with a resizeable frame, similar to ControlPaint.DrawSelectionFrame. ImageDisplay was tested with mono1.2.6, and most of it works under mono, except some bug in handling the scrollbars. Please be aware that this is a pre-alph-release, that means that there will be a lot of api-changes in future releases. The namespace Limaki contains Controls, Tools and Libraries which are used in Limada, but have no dependency on the Limada libraries.... read more

Posted by lytico 2008-02-16

Limaki.ImageDisplay 0.06 Initial Release

is a control which can be used to view images, similar to PictureBox in System.Windows.Forms.

The image can bee zoomed with mouse-clicks (left: zoom in, right: zoom out). You can navigate through a zoomed image by pressing the left mouse button and tracking around. You can select areas of the image with a resizeable frame, similar to ControlPaint.DrawSelectionFrame.

You can download it from read more

Posted by lytico 2008-01-29

Limada: version 0.05 with visualization ready for download

Limada (Linked Marked Data) is a framework for building and storing relationships of data.

It is based on small data pieces which are connected with links to more complex data structures. A link is marked with any data to include information about the character of the connection. The structures are stored in SQL- or object-databases.

With this release, a first implementation of a graphical component to visualize the data structures is published.... read more

Posted by lytico 2007-11-30