

Just to poke the embers a little, I haven't forgotten about this project, but I have been working on a few other 'small' projects to increase my experience with coding skills and libraries. The one update I am making is an official name change from 'Life RPG' to 'Devolved'. I was never really in love with the first name (I think it was very specific to one potential usage of the project) and then one of my roomates recommended 'Devolved' (a jab at the fact that I'm always self-deprecating about my coding). Anyway, I like the name and have actually been using it for a little while, but I never updated it officially on sourceforge. Consider it now done!

As for the project itself, it all boils down to a matter of time: something which I am currently lacking. I plan on developing this more, but it may have to wait a little while. As always, feel free to e-mail me with questions/comments/concerns/and insults.

Posted by alienjon 2010-03-04

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