
Semester Standoff


Sorry, the first link was broken in the original post, its fixed now.

... and so ends my first winter break as a graduate student. For my own sanity, I'm putting this project on hold for the duration of the semester (much as I had last semester). I may get bits and pieces together here and there, but I will by FAR not be doing as much work as I had been the last 2 months until mid-late May.

For a more structured update, I am at what I am considering alpha 5.5, or so. I've gotten a handful of work completed, but not as much as I'd like for a full alpha release. I've got the code to a point where it will compile and I have generated some API that I'm going to put on my website (noted below) for any interested parties. I will put this current code online, but mainly as a backup, in the event the computer I'm doing most of this work on, decides to up and die in the next few months (I'm not expecting it, but you can never be too safe with these things). Anywho, 5.5 will be up but incomplete (I'm not going to change version strings to 5.5 or really provide access to it as a release, but it'll be there none the less.

As usual, if anyone has any questions, comments, suggestions, offerings, intimidating threats or personal insults, feel free to contact me by any and all means possible (including the 'Contact Me' form on my webpage (the main page, of which, is also noted below)


Main Page (contact me is in the 'about me' page, look at the links in the top-left)->

Posted by alienjon 2009-01-26

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