
Source API

I thought the documentation section would allow for API information, but I was wrong in that guess. While I probably could upload it there I'm instead uploading the API to my personal website (for now, at least). This based on source in the pre alpha-0.5 release (so it isn't at a full '0.5' release quite yet) Anyway, I wanted to get it online so others could look at it more easily.

You can look at the code here:

Lastly - on an unrelated topic - I've been rethinking the naming scheme for this project. While part of my original idea was to create an 'RPG' of ones life (I'm thinking I can have some fun setting it up so that a 'fight' is really an argument between 2 people and instead of having health decrease, you would lose esteem) I am now thinking of completely separating this idea from the main project.

This is indicative of an idea of mine that, as most ideas, may or may not come to fruition pending on time, assistance, and interest. Basically I'm going to rename the project (news on this as it develops) and separate any content to a separate site - I'm thinking Neverwinter Nights style 'Vault' for people to upload/share sprites/stories/tilesets/etc...

Again, more info as this develops.

Posted by alienjon 2008-12-19

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