
Devolved / News: Recent posts


Just to poke the embers a little, I haven't forgotten about this project, but I have been working on a few other 'small' projects to increase my experience with coding skills and libraries. The one update I am making is an official name change from 'Life RPG' to 'Devolved'. I was never really in love with the first name (I think it was very specific to one potential usage of the project) and then one of my roomates recommended 'Devolved' (a jab at the fact that I'm always self-deprecating about my coding). Anyway, I like the name and have actually been using it for a little while, but I never updated it officially on sourceforge. Consider it now done!... read more

Posted by alienjon 2010-03-04

Semester Standoff


Sorry, the first link was broken in the original post, its fixed now.

... and so ends my first winter break as a graduate student. For my own sanity, I'm putting this project on hold for the duration of the semester (much as I had last semester). I may get bits and pieces together here and there, but I will by FAR not be doing as much work as I had been the last 2 months until mid-late May.... read more

Posted by alienjon 2009-01-26

January times is fun times!

Devolved 0.5 alpha is officially up and reachable via the downloads page. It should compile just fine and contains (as all the previous versions did) some test files to get it running and see the features currently implemented. I want this to be a quick update, but two things I wanted to note. Firstly, my next semester starts at the end of January (the 26th) and I'm hoping to get 0.6 alpha released by then. I'm well underway towards adding additional code and cleaning up what mess I've already done so this may be a realistic goal. Secondly, I've made a sincere effort to document my work as best as I can. I have a doxygen API for the code I have written and I plan on posting this somewhere before next semester begins for me as well. I may use this as my sourceforge 'homepage' or I may put it up on my personal website, I haven't decided yet. Either way, its something else for anyone else out there who wants to look at what I've been doing and how I've been doing it without having to download any code.

Posted by alienjon 2009-01-07

Source API

I thought the documentation section would allow for API information, but I was wrong in that guess. While I probably could upload it there I'm instead uploading the API to my personal website (for now, at least). This based on source in the pre alpha-0.5 release (so it isn't at a full '0.5' release quite yet) Anyway, I wanted to get it online so others could look at it more easily.

You can look at the code here: read more

Posted by alienjon 2008-12-19

Pre Alpha 0.5

My apologies that I have not gone through the sourceforge site much to give more detailed information, but as I'm currently a grad student my updates (and work on this project) are on an 'if I have a few moments to spare' basis. Anyway, the last code I've put up is for alpha 0.3. There actually was a 0.4 but it was at a point that I was working on code so fast that I forgot to package it up before going onto 0.5. Needless to say I'll hopefully have 0.5 up within the next few weeks or so. I'll try to update this as best as I can but, as I already said, life's been busy for me. Questions/comments/suggestions/insults: please feel free to e-mail me :-)

Posted by alienjon 2008-12-18