
Introducing libzbtfb

For awhile last year, I'd wanted to work with the framebuffer. I don't think I had a particular reason, but then, that's how most of my pet projects, and indeed my interests in general, get started anyway.

So I looked at the kernel header, and for awhile asked myself, "What the hell am I to do with this?" But one weekend in early September, I set out to write a framebuffer library.

So I wrote line code and box code and circles and arcs, and more and more and more. It was a wonderful learning experience. That library grew into "libzbtfb", which yes, has a name meant to be nonsensical.

For months then, libzbtfb sat idly by in my home directory. Every once in awhile I'd hack on it, or work on manpages for it, or put unnecessary tweaks in Makefiles, but after a certain point it wasn't going anywhere.

So I made Debian packages, put it on an apt source, and called it a release. And now I'm putting it on SourceForge, in case you all are interested.

So there you have it. A little pet project is public. A classic story of open source, perhaps? I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, but somehow that's doubtful. Contributions are welcome. And I know, it is a pretty crappy library in some (many?) respects. But I think I did a pretty good job.

I know I for one will start writing apps with it. Silly sprite games might work. I've already ported a Tetris clone I'd written prior...

Posted by Andy Sveikauskas 2002-01-10

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