From: pcb E. <sys...@ya...> - 2011-03-08 22:16:31
On a normal Yahoo Messenger Program that comes with the Window, I logged in, and trying to send a SMS messenge. I inputed my phone number as the receipient. I typed a brief messenge and hit send. Voila , my phone got an messenge which is the SMS I sent through Yahoo Messenger. So, I figure the code of libyahoo should able to do the same. However, by using the libyahoo, I couldn't send the same SMS to my phone. what's wrong? I put in some generic name and phone number to cover my real ones. Is the following sequence correct? 1)result_id I getting always =1, is that OK? thanks for any feedback. register_callbacks(); int result_id; const char *username="joe"; const char *password="doe"; //int yahoo_init(const char *username, const char *password) result_id=yahoo_init(username, password); //void yahoo_login(int id, int initial) yahoo_login(result_id, YAHOO_STATUS_AVAILABLE); / const char *from="john"; constchar*who="0123456789"; constchar*what="hello there"; int utf8=1; int pic=1; //void yahoo_send_im(int id, const char *from, const char *who, const char *what, //int utf8, int picture) yahoo_send_im(result_id, from, who, what, utf8, pic); |