
Sample code

  • Michail Vidiassov

    Is there any sample code for creating/exporting a scene with some primitives?
    May be it can be found in some project using this library?

    Or I am totally wrong and the optimal tool for X3D output (and nothing else) is a XML library, while using an X3D library just to write an X3D export module for my program is overkill?

  • Ralph Reinhold

    Ralph Reinhold - 2014-09-24

    I would like to see one for reading and storing the parameters contained in an X3D file.

  • Alexis Wilke

    Alexis Wilke - 2014-09-24

    Yeah, I'm afraid I do not have samples. If all you are trying to do is create an XML document to save in an XML file, using the X3D library will probably not help you that much.

    Creating a DOM with an XML library is probably what's the easiest. Then you can use an XML tool that checks your output against the X3D DTD. Note that many libraries do not support the DTD as it is quite complex. This being said, you can use XML library A to generate your file, and XML tool B to verify the file.


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