
Tree [0438b7] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 include 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 src 2014-08-07 SFENCE SFENCE [c3b151] VerilogVPI: Fix bugs, update test part.
 test 2014-08-08 SFENCE SFENCE [0438b7] VerilogVPI: Add some utilites to tester,
 .gitignore 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 AUTHORS 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 COPYING 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 DESIGN 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 Makefile 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 NEWS 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 README 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 TODO 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit
 VPI_MODULE 2014-08-06 SFENCE SFENCE [7aaa43] Initial commit

Read Me

Calculate README



  The Calculate is shortcut from Error message list.
  The Calculate library can be used for easy load list of error messages 
  from external file.


  The Calculate module provides the following features:

   o  Free software (GNU Lesser General Public License)
   o  Should work on every ANSI C conforming platform 
    with SFENCE dynamic library and SFENCEShared library.


  Please read the file COPYING before using Calculate.

  For installing Calculate you can use Makefile.
  It should work on Mac OS X, Linux, Unix and MS Windows, may be other platforms.

  New Versions

  Information on how to retrieve new versions of Calculate can be found
  on url address 


  Please read the file AUTHORS.