
Theora Playback Library 1.0.0 Released!

I'm happy to announce that after 2.5 years from the last RC release, I have finally released a stable 1.0.0 release!

Thanks to everyone that contributed with bug report, patches and patience, and especially thanks to all the great companies that used this library and motivated me to continue working on the library :)

This release contains cool new demos, check them out!

I'd like to sign off by saying that you can rest assured that this library will be supported for a long time as I use it in my Company's projects a lot.

Next stop, 1.1! You can always monitor the 1.1 progress on the Roadmap page. The most important 1.1 feature is Android support which was requested by several companies.

1.0.0 SDK Link:

Posted by Krešimir Špes 2013-03-03

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