
tekbzip2-1.0 Released

libTekLTI is a library defining a new standard for
accessing C++ classes, and is a framework for
TekLang, a new programming language that is
intended to be more simple to use than C++.

The first release of the tekbzip2 program, featuring
the use of libTekLTI's BZIP2 interfaces, has been
released. The code doesn't look pretty, but works.
However, until libteklti-1.0pre5 is released, you'll
need to obtain libTekLTI from the developer branch
to compile tekbzip2. The developer branch is
accessible from CVS using the following command:

cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@ co -P libteklti

Once libteklti is compiled and installed, then
tekbzip2 should be able to at least compile without
any problems.

We will be adding some file Copying+Testing routines
that will make the code even shorter, prior to the
final release of tekbzip2.

We are hoping to make a final version of the entire
bzip2 library to submit to the bzip2 author, Julian
Seward. The final version would be a bzip2
library+program combo that utilizes the GNU autotools
for configuration, and can use the libTekLTI's BZIP2
interfaces where possible.

Posted by Kevin McBride 2005-10-02

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