
LibSportIdent / News: Recent posts

fixed bugs with OpenStation in 0.1.1

there was a bug with the writing of tcsetattr that didn't allow the file descriptor to be carried over. it is fixed now, i am currently writing tests for the current version before i work on the rest of it. also i am working on getting the grace of sportident for this library

Posted by smellyfis 2010-06-01

Beta 1 release

this is more of a roadmap release
it opens/closes a station and reads/writes directly to it
documentation to come with future releases (it uses doxygen so source has the documentation in it also)

Posted by smellyfis 2010-05-22

Development to start very soon

Since I just got my developer package I can now play around with the stations and Si cards. so soon the code will be available. be sure to "check out" the repo

Posted by smellyfis 2010-05-19