
Tree [r14] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 donkey 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r1]
 sgdp_docs 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r2]
 sgdp_include 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r3]
 sgdp_res 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r4]
 sgdp_source 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r5]
 sgdp_tools 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r6]
 stubs 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r7]
 INSTALL 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r13]
 README 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r14]
 build 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r10]
 build.clean 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r11]
 build.init 2009-11-25 josefdsilva [r12]

Read Me

            SGDP - Svgalib Game Development Platform
            Copyrights (C) 2006,2008 Jose F. D'Silva
SGDP is a platform for developing game or graphics applications with svgalib/vgagl.
SGDP is licensed under GNU General Public License and is FREE SOFTWARE without any warranties.
You are encouraged to further contribute to this project in the hope that it will be useful.

Currently, the platform supports sprites created in 8-bpp, 256 colors
Windows Bitmap (BMP) format.

SGDP directories:
sgdp_include: All necessary C-Header files.
sgdp_source : C source code to manipulate sprites, palette, fonts, etc.
sgdp_tools  : Source code for tools to manipulate sprites, palette, fonts etc.
sgdp_docs   : Documentation for SGDP and its tools.
sgdp_res    : SGDP resources that you can use in your applications.
