
National Calendar

Uncle Buzz
  • Uncle Buzz

    Uncle Buzz - 2012-04-05

    Is there a way to export/import calendar with public holidays (depends of country you choose) ?

    So our "defaults" calendar could be herited from them ?

    At least, is there any way to set public holidays for a year and to extend them to next year ?

  • Javier Morán Rúa


    yes, in LibrePlan there are web services and you can import and export calendars.

    Apart from that, the calendar system of LibrePlan is hierarchical and there are two types of calendars:

       * Global calendars. They can be root calendars or derived calendars. A derived calendar inherits from other global calendar.
       * Resource calendars. These are the calendars that the resource have configured. They always inherits from a global calendar.

    Each calendar inherits the data from its ancestors and define its own exception.

    Finally regarding to holidays (which are in LibrePlan a type of exception), currently you have to set them each year. It is not implemented a way to copy the exceptions from one year to the next. It could be useful and time-saving, although because the calendars have the inheritance behavior, if you create them in a good way, you will only need to update each year the root calendars.

    Kind regards.


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