
File upload

  • vanedgar

    vanedgar - 2012-03-15


    is it possible to upload files to different tasks/projects in Libreplan?

    Thanks and Regards

  • Manuel Rego Casasnovas


    currently it's not possible to upload any file to LibrePlan, and sadly this feature is not included in the roadmap to the next version 1.3.

    Anyway, this shouldn't be hard to implement this feature. Maybe we could review it again in the future and discuss if this could take part in the roadmap for 1.4.


  • vanedgar

    vanedgar - 2012-03-16

    Hello Rego,

    that would be great if you could integrate this feature in 1.4. I installed Libreplan already and was really surprised that this feature is missing.  Another idea for the roadmap 1.4 could be to implement a function for discussion or leave comments on the project/tasks.
    Libreplan is an great tool, thanks!

    Best Regards

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Rego, congratulations for your great work at libreplan, i really miss the file upload feature, some advise to implement this feature?

  • Manuel Rego Casasnovas


    it really depends on your specific requirements.

    But for example, as starting point, I think that it could be interesting attach documents to a project or task inside LibrePlan. One possible implementation would be add a new tab called Documents in the project/task edition. There could be a list of documents associated to each project/task. Documents would be uploaded to the server, maybe using a folder based on project id could be interesting too (in order to avoid mix different files of unrelated projects in the same folder).

    If you're willing to start with the development I recommend you to take a look to these documents:

    Also you could join #libreplan IRC channel on Freenode and we'll help you with any doubt .


    • Bernd Hammer

      Bernd Hammer - 2016-07-08


      I'm using version 1.4.1 for some days and I'm missing the feature "file upload".
      Is this possible now with the latest version, or not? I can't find anything making uploads... :o(
      Is there another possibility maybe linking some files to projects?

      Kind regards


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