
Libreplan in Debian with tomcat7

  • Luca

    Luca - 2014-03-05

    Did anybody try to install in Debian stable with tomcat7?
    I am running into a lot of problem...
    I follow instruction for other distribution but it rails to start.
    Log file report a lot of error, but it seems to stop because of that

    FATAL: no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet

    Anyone can help me?


    • Simone

      Simone - 2014-08-25

      Me too have the same problem in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit!
      At the end you managed to solve the problem Luca??

  • Mantas

    Mantas - 2015-12-08

    I've just installed Libreplan 1.4.1 on 14.04.1-Ubuntu LTS 64bit with tomcat7. Just had to do some extra manual work linking directories and creating tmp dir:
    cd /usr/share/tomcat7
    ln -s /var/lib/tomcat7/common/ common
    ln -s /var/lib/tomcat7/server/ server
    ln -s /var/lib/tomcat7/shared/ shared
    mkdir temp


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