
field for capacity of virtual workers group moved

  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-17

    Why field for capacity of virtual workers group moved to "calendar" tab ?
    In doc's screenshots it on first tab. And this is logical!
    It's place on first tab was taken by "Observation". What is for?
    (by the way: doc's sreenshots language don't match the docs language)
    If i don't create a calendar for it - field will be unavailable. What is the relashionship?
    Virtual workers without calendar have any meaning and can work?

  • Manuel Rego Casasnovas

    Yes, documentation is not updated and screenshots are usually wrong.

    About the capacity, it has been moved to the Calendar tab due to a bug, as really the calendar is which defines the capacity of the virtual group, multiplying the capacity field for the capacity of each day in the calendar.

    You cannot create a virtual worker without any calendar, when you create it, you choose the base calendar for that virtual worker. Then you could set the capacity in a second step. I understand that it couldn't be the most comfortable option, however I think it's not a big issue anyway :-)


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