
Task duration

  • Marko

    Marko - 2012-04-05

    Im a bit confused about task duration.
    When I go to the Project Details page I can create tasks and assign hours to them. Some tasks have say 4h. When I go to the scheduling page these tasks have a minimum of 1 day duration.
    How can I make a resource work on two tasks in the same day if task B is dependent on task A and the same resource works on both tasks? This resource should be able to work on both tasks in an 8h working day right?.
    If there was a task C of 4h this task should reschedule for the next day. However if I use the Project schedule page and assign these dependecies and resouce then the program is putting task A on first day, task B on second and task C on third.
    Can somebody explaing how would I correctly configure this scenario?

  • Javier Morán Rúa

    In LibrePlan tasks can finish in the middle of days and it is possible that a resource works
    at the same day in two different tasks without any problem.

    Maybe you have something bad configured in the calendars, but with a calendar used in the project with 8h per day and a worker with a work capacity of 8 hours per day it is perfectly possible
    to build the scenario you are describing.

    I am attaching an image where you can see the planning of 3 taks as you describe:

       * Task A: 4hours
       * Task B: 4hours
       * Task C: 4 hours

    With the dependencies:

    Task A -> Task B -> Task C

    As you can see in the image:

       * Resource Worker 1 is assigned in the three tasks.
       * Task A and Task B are planned in April, the 9th
       * Task C is planned in April, the 10th

  • Marko

    Marko - 2012-04-10

    Thanks for the reply.
    Creating the tasks from scratch as you did works well. I have reset my Project Plan ans reentered the tasks, all was fine for a while and then, after assigning resources left and right, the tasks duration started misbehaving again.
    I'll try to reproduce what I did with the resources to get this problem… (no time now)


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