
external interface

  • Marcus Sundman

    Marcus Sundman - 2010-11-01

    According to there should be "integration with subcontractors or customers for project communications", but I can't see any such thing mentioned in the docs. What kind of support for integration with 3rd party systems is there?

  • Manuel Rego Casasnovas

    NavalPlan provides REST web services for a lot of entities like: Criteria, Labels, Calendars, Resources, Projects. It provides a method to export the information via GET and another method to insert and update information via POST.

    So any application could send to NavalPlan, for example, their resources via web services in a XML format. You can find examples at "scripts/rest-clients/" directory. There you can find examples to test the web services from Linux (you will need to install curl, tidy and ruby) with the default credentials "wsreader" (with password "wsreader") or "wswriter" (with password "wswriter") depending if you want to export or import information.

    You could even test the export services just with your browser, for example if you want to export the resources you can go to the next URL: http://localhost:8080/navalplanner-webapp/ws/rest/resources/ using the user and password described above.

    There is a document explaining all the services but it's written in Galician and it's not translated yet (doc/src/technical/guia-desenvolvemento/guia-integracion-terceiros.rst).

    Anyway you could ask any further question in this forum or contact us at #navalplan IRC channel on FreeNode.


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