
Strings without i18n

  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-15

    It seems, needs i18n:
    "Criterion Types" in CriterionAdminController.getPluralEntityType()
    and maybe:
    "Criterion Type" in CriterionAdminController.getEntityType()
    also needs:
    "Machines" in MachineCRUDController.getPluralEntityType()
    "Machine" in MachineCRUDController.getEntityType()
    "Dedication" in _edition.zul
    version - 3.2


    Last edit: Sergey 2012-12-17
  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-19

    And more:
    Strings "Subcontracted by client", "Regular project"
    in OrderCRUDController.getProjectType()
    and "children","percentage","units","subcontractor","timesheets"
    in PredefinedAdvancedTypes

    String "Link" should have a separate version of the plural: "Links"
    for tab caption in "_edition.zul" (for example)

    String: "Defines the time since last saving operation ..."
    has i18n call, but has no entry in pot,po files.

    All entityNames in table "Entity code sequences" in configuration.zul


    Last edit: Sergey 2012-12-20
  • Manuel Rego Casasnovas

    Predefined types cannot not be internationalized following the standard procedure as they're records in the database. One option could be internationalize the predefined types during the first setup of LibrePlan however, it's not in our current plans to do it.

    I cannot find the string "Link" not sure to which "_edition.zul" file you're referring too.

    About the string "Defines the time since last saving operation ..." it's already in the last keys.pot file in master or libreplan-1.3 branch. And it'll be included in the next release 1.3.3.

    I've fixed the other 2 issues: OrderCRUDController.getProjectType and configuration.zul.

    Thanks for your feedback.

  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-21

    With "Link" - my mistake (my bug :) - it was "Label" and "Labels"

  • Manuel Rego Casasnovas

    Thanks, I've just replaced "Label" for "Labels".

  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-21

    To be sure certain!
    "Label" is used in 6 places (according to po-file)
    1: libreplan-webapp/src/main/java/org/libreplan/web/workreports/
    6: libreplan-webapp/src/main/webapp/orders/_edition.zul:48

    And only in sixth case requires a "Labels"
    The rest did not look.

  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-22

    What about months names in Company view?


    Last edit: Sergey 2012-12-23
    • Manuel Rego Casasnovas

      This seems an issue with the ZK component we're using. Not sure if installing properly the server locales or the Java locales in the server for that language will help.

  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-23

    All enums of OrderStatusEnum are not translated,
    (in project tooltip in company view - for example)
    because method: ""
    only mark strings and do nothing ...
    Replacement "state.toString()" on "
    in TaskElementAdapter.getOrderState() helps to solve the problem.
    But if you see in code of OrderStatusEnum...
    It so good and not used (in the matter of i18n). Why ?


    Last edit: Sergey 2012-12-23
    • Manuel Rego Casasnovas

      Thanks for reporting the issue, it's fixed.

      The reason why a "marker" method is used in the business layer, is that in this layer you don't know the user language. Moreover, the same enum could be used by different users at the same time, causing that it appears only in the language of the first user using it, and the other ones will have that language.

  • Sergey

    Sergey - 2012-12-23

    All strings, that we are talked about above, are absent in keys.pot (v.1.3.3)


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