
Tree [r23] /

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File Date Author Commit
 doc 2007-08-12 bluekahuna [r16] * Changed interface Vector3d to Vector3
 examples 2007-09-11 bluekahuna [r23] Rotation stuff
 include 2007-09-11 bluekahuna [r23] Rotation stuff
 lib 2007-07-04 bluekahuna [r2] Initial Data
 sandbox 2007-09-11 bluekahuna [r23] Rotation stuff
 src 2007-09-11 bluekahuna [r23] Rotation stuff
 Doxyfile 2007-07-04 bluekahuna [r3] Forgot to add additional files
 INSTALL 2007-08-12 bluekahuna [r19] New release dox
 LICENSE 2007-07-11 bluekahuna [r4] * Added name identifier to textures
 Makefile 2007-08-19 bluekahuna [r22] Forgot to add matrices and quaternions to Makefile
 README 2007-08-12 bluekahuna [r19] New release dox
 VERSION 2007-08-12 bluekahuna [r19] New release dox
 librapiddev.cbp 2007-07-19 bluekahuna [r8] Managed to create a static lib under windows, y...

Read Me

-- About libRapidDev --

libRapidDev is a collection of helper classes and encapsulations that
(hopefully) speeds up the development process of SDL/OpenGL
It is based on my personal codebase, which I have developed over the
last 2 years or so. There are still some features missing, but they'll

So it's another 3D engine? No. libRapidDev is just a set of helper
If you want to get in 3D Game programming really fast, maybe you should
check out some of the great free 3D engines like OGRE, Irrlicht or
Chrystal Space. libRapidDev is meant as a codebase for those projects
that don't need or want a fully 3D enginge. Maybe you event wanted to
write your own engine.

-- Documentation --

The documentation can be built using 'make doc', doxygen is required.
Everything should be documented.

-- Cross platform compilation --

My main work machine runs Linux. Compilation and coding using Linux is
quite easy. Type 'make' and pray...

Under windows it's unfortunately not so easy. I just tested it with
MinGW/Codeblocks as I don't have VisualStudio. Be sure you have all
the required libs and includes in your MinGW directories. Currently
there are only project files for Code::Blocks, but Makefiles should
follow shortly; you could also edit the Makefile yourself - the most
important part is that SDL under windows does not have the 'sdl-config'
Maybe you want/have to compile some of the libs like glew or SDL_image
yourself. :(
After all has been set up, you are ready to go. The C::B project has 2
options for the library: a static version called libRapidDev_static and
a dynamic version which also produces a dll file. The examples currently
link against the static version.

-- Dependencies --

As this lib is mostly a wrapper lib, it has the following dependencies
to be built successfully:
- STL		(standard template library for C++, should be standard)
- SDL		(Simple Directmedia Layer,
- SDL_image (image loader for SDL,
- OpenGL 2.0(OpenGL, 2.0+ is needed for shaders.
- GLEW		(GL extension wrangler, )

Now type 'make' and pray.

-- SVN access --

Public SVN access is read-only. You can check out the latest version of
librapiddev with

svn co

-- Feedback --

Feedback is appreciated! Please visit our forum at