
#36 Please include a compiled DLL from now on in your source code BIN folder


I would like to see, in addition to the source code, that the root of the source package should include a BIN folder, and in this BIN folder should be an already compiled copy of the latest DLL file for libpng. That would allow people (such as myself, who are only interested in using libpng, and have zero interest in compiling it) to immediately start using it as a component in the program they are writing, without first needing to compile the component, while allow others who want to modify the code (to create a modified version of the component for their own custom needs) to still have access to the source code.

I'm guessing that the libpng team is using a Linux computer, not a Windows computer, but I'm aware that compilers in Linux still have the ability to cross-compile for Windows, and thus it should still be possible for the libpng team to compile a Windows DLL copy of libpng for me, and others like me, who just want to use the component in their Windows software first, without going through the trouble of figuring out how to properly compile with compilers available for Windows, when compiling code that was originally written for compilers on Linux.


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