
Onx / News: Recent posts

Onx 0.20 released

Onx is a library for Objective-C which is built upon the signal/slot paradigm as in Qt or libsig++ and Gtkmm.

This release is a huge update compared to last release : speed has been greatly increased and Onx is now faster than most of the libraries while offering more possibilities. You can now connect a slot on a signal and allow it to be run before or after the signal is called.

Stability has been improved too, and the library is now ready to be translated in several languages. ... read more

Posted by nicolas mercier 2004-05-28

Onx licence changed

Onx' licence has been changed from GPL to LGPL, which suits better to the library.

It means that if you use Onx (as a whole or only parts of it) you should make changes to the library public (GPL part of LGPL) but you do not have to publish your source code (the L).

Not a big change but anyway that's new =)

Posted by nicolas mercier 2004-02-09

Onx - runtime 0.11 and mak 0.3 released

Onx is a library trying to implement a signal/slot style of programming in Objective-C. These pre-releases contain beta versions of the mak package (makefile utilities used to build other libraries) and the runtime library.

As of version 0.11, it is possible to create slots and signals and to connect them, and the library can now be considered "usable" (the use you can make of it is still tiny).

Posted by nicolas mercier 2004-01-31

New CVS update : signals/slots almost available

The main goal of the runtime part of Onx, which is to import Qt's concepts of signals and slots in Objective-C, is now 90% achieved. This new CVS update allows one to connect/disconnect slots and emit signals.

Early benchmarks showed Onx is 5 times as fast as Qt for signal connections, and takes 0 time for emitting signals (that is, calling a slot and raising the signal that calls the slot is exactly as fast). Speed tests will become fully available when the library is in a stable state and when the speed can be accurately mesured.... read more

Posted by nicolas mercier 2004-01-26

Onx library first CVS update

The ONX library aims at providing signals/slots support to the Objective-C language directly into the runtime. This is the first CVS update of Onx.

Onx means "Onx is Not using X11" (yeah it's approximative) (and not quite true), it is in fact a set of librries built around the idea of slots and signals -la Qt, including a main GUI library made with OpenGL... and X11 (well, GLX). It is made in Objective-C and is an alternative for both the standard GCC runtime library (doh!) and the GNUStep library.... read more

Posted by nicolas mercier 2004-01-05