
Bradley S. Meyer

A library of C codes for storing and managing nuclear reaction networks, that is, ensembles of nuclear species and reactions among them. libnucnet is used extensively in NucNet Tools.


  1. Download.
  2. Compile.
  3. Retrieve Data.
  4. Run the Libnucnet__Nuc Examples.
  5. Run the Libnucnet__Reac Examples.
  6. Run the Libnucnet Examples.

Release Log:

The release log shows the history of the releases of libnucnet.

API Documentation:

libnucnet API documentation extracted from the file Libnucnet__Nuc.h, Libnucnet__Reac.h, and Libnucnet.h.

Technical Reports:

  1. Network Calculations with libnucnet.
    • This technical report describes some details on solving nuclear reaction networks with the libnucnet module.
    • Previous versions: 2009-05-03-1, 2007-09-02-1.
  2. XML Input to libnucnet.
  3. libnucnet Iterators.
    • This technical report describes how to iterate over species, reactions, reaction elements, or zones with libnucnet and how to apply functions during the iterations.
    • Previous versions: 2009-05-17-1, 2009-01-19-1, 2008-07-21-1.
  4. libnucnet Views.
    • This technical report presents some of the details on how to use libnucnet Views.
    • Previous versions: 2012-04-21-1, 2012-03-30-1.
  5. Screening and Reverse Rate Correction Factors in libnucnet.
  6. User-Supplied Rate Functions to libnucnet.
    • This technical report describes how a user can supply his/her own rate function to libnucnet-based codes.
    • Previous versions: 2011-05-28-1, 2010-01-10-2.

Other Relevant Publications:

  1. This abstract is an appropriate published reference for libnucnet.
  2. This paper from the Nuclei in the Cosmos XII conference is another relevant publication.

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