

Bogdan Drozdowski

Read the info documentation (type 'info doc/') to always get the current information.

LibNetBlock, in various versions, has been successfully compiled on the following systems:

Codacy Badge

CodeQL Semgrep

Security Rating Vulnerabilities

Requirements for compiling:

  • a working C compiler (C++ compilers won't work due to variable casts)
  • development package for the C library (like glibc-devel and glibc-headers)
  • libdl, the dynamic loading library, with its development package (unless the required functions are in the C library)
  • the 'make' program

Type ./configure to configure the library for your system.
Type make to compile the program.
Type make install to install the program. NOTE: 'make install' is NOT recommended. Create and install an RPM package instead, if possible.


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