
libmail - A mail handling library / News: Recent posts

libmail-0.3 is out!

libmail-0.3 is out!

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-07-19

libmail-0.3-rc1 is out!

libmail-0.3-rc1 is out interfacing SSL/TLS support, API rewrite and conditional compile of features

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-06-20

Forthcoming release and call for feedback

Hopefully until the end of the week libmail-0.3-rc1 will be out! As many people have downloaded previous versions, I 'd like to ask to submit feature and bug requests for things that you think should change/get fixed. It 'd also be nice to know if you 're actually using libmail in any of your projects.

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-06-18

libmail for Gentoo users

An ebuild of libmail-0.2 can now be found at Gentoo Sunrise overlay at

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-05-28

libmail-0.2 is out!

libmail-0.2 is out! Bugfixes and improvements

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-03-29

libmail-0.2-rc1 is out!

libmail-0.2-rc1 is released featuring support for SASL, maildir, IDN, IPv6 and support for total and new messages checking. Note that this version is not backwards compatible, and that SASL support needs heavy debugging before considered to be stable.

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-03-25

Forthcoming release announcement

libmail's new release will be available until the end of the week with numerous new features such as SASL, IDN and IPv6 support as well as support for maildirs and unread messages.

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-03-23

SVN enabled!

You can now checkout libmail's source code through svn at

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-03-14

libmail-0.1 is out!

First stable release of libmail is out. It fixes some bugs found in 0.1a and 0.1b.

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-03-08

libmail-0.1b is out!

libmail-0.1b released. A bugfix release mostly about the portability of MD5 digest calculation

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-03-07

libmail-0.1a is out!

The first official release of libmail is out!

libmail is a mail handling library intended to be used by developers to integrate mail checking capabilities to their applications for various
protocols and configurations such as IMAP4, POP3 and local unix-like mailboxes.

Posted by Dimitris Mandalidis 2009-03-02