
GFuse Manager - two notes

  • Sergey Churikov

    Sergey Churikov - 2007-10-17


    I've wandered about such tool as gfuse-manager, thanks a lot 8-) I'm very happy to have it on my desktop. But I have two notes:

    1. I think that you should extend 'gfuse-manager.desktop' file with "Categories" key to bring the tool to Gnome main menu. I've changed this file manually and added this one:


    because I think that Application->System Tools is right place for gfuse-manager but this is only my personal opinion 8-)

    2. To authorization on ssh servers I use open/public key so I'm able do not use password but in gfuse-manager I have to use password. Is it possible to avoid password authorization in the next releases?

    Best regards
    Sergey Churikov

    • n.f.

      n.f. - 2007-10-18

      Hi Sergey,

      1) Thanks, i have added your Categories= line to Do you know if this will also work on other distributions like Ubuntu? (i'm not an expert on .desktop files).

      2) You can change the allowed authentication methods in #define MORE_OPTIONS "..." (line 263) in

      Try to change it and just leave the password field in gfuse-managers password dialog empty.

      I would like to allow other authentication methods, but be aware that fusi-mount-sshfs-helper.c doesn't answer paraphrase prompts from sshfs yet. If there is a paraphrase prompt or any other prompt which requires to be answered, could you please send me its text?

      Furthermore you can set flags in the environment before launching gfuse-manager for more debugging output in the console:

      export FUSI_DEBUG=1


      • Sergey Churikov

        Sergey Churikov - 2007-10-18

        1. Naturally I'm not the expert in Desktop also ;) but I think my value should be changed to use with other Environments (like XFCE or KDE) because I've just done "copy-paste" 8-) After your question I've read Desktop specifications and I think that my value should be changed like this:


        It is possible to specify the exact list of Environments, say, if you are going to provide the tool only for GNOME and XFCE this value should be like this:


        I've used the following specs:

        2. I'll try it later

        • n.f.

          n.f. - 2007-10-19

          Changing it to Categories=Application;System;GTK sounds good to me. Because there is no KFuse-Manager yet. I'm planning to write such a thing (libfusi is designed to be desktop independent), but unfortunately i don't have enough time at the moment.

          Perhaps it would also fit into "Network" or "Utility", cause that's where gFTP / Nautilus seem to be.

          Regarding 2) i wonder if there should be a GUI interface to edit the host keys below ~/.ssh.


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