
Support for the DC016RW

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  • Knight

    Knight - 2009-07-17

    Alright....  after alot of fiddling both software and hardware wise, I've kinda given up.  I need the polling feature to make sure that the disc actually went into the drive.  I can't seem to find any decent linux alternatives to looking at what is in the drive from the CD-Rom standpoint.  I really need to be able to poll the DC016RW as to what it thinks is in the drive.


    • KShots

      KShots - 2009-07-18

      I'll look into it

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-05

    Hi Did the DC016 ever get implmented?

  • KShots

    KShots - 2018-03-08

    Jeremy, yes and no. The svn version supports most functions of the DC016RW device. My last comment from nearly a decade ago was that there was a compatibility issue between the HID layer and the USB layer, in that libcdorganizer boots off the HID-layer controller so it can control it, and that causes the DVD device to not read properly. I think I was wrong with that assumption at this point. Looking back at the history of this thread, if what Knight wrote is correct (and he has been very accurate with everything he has written, so I have no reason to doubt it), the HID layer detachment should not affect the drive inside the device, because it registers as a completely different device. So... I'll have to go back and investigate this.

    Beyond that, nearly all vendor functions should work with the SVN version of libcdorganizer. If any functions do not work, please submit a bug report and I'll track it down to the best of my ability.

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-08


    You are corrext there are two seperate USB devices. 1 is the changer the other the drive.

    I have a Blu-Ray version the intention is to add this to my disc copier to stack up 100 discs copy them and then repeate with the next batch.

    I think there will be some trail and error to find some of the missing functions.

    I cannot find any API docs do you have these?

    I can find the SVN link but not sure how to get this to work once its complied any pointers would be a great help.


  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-08


    I have got the SVN version installed.

    The following issues arise:

    lcdoctl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Where is it expecting to find ?

    ./lcdoctl -d dacal:1094e -x dacalcheckstatus

    Causes the following:

    The KDS plugin is only capable of running a single device at a time as a unique id has not yet been deciphered from the USB traffic
    /trunk/libcdorganizer/src/plugins/dacaldc300.c:dacalcheckstatus(482) - Cannot store result in a NULL pointer!
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Try to restart :

    cdorganizerd -f

    /trunk/libcdorganizer/src/cdorganizer/cdorganizerd.c:locksignal(186) - Could not open lock file: No such device or address

    Where is the lockfile stored so as i can purge it?

    More to follow.

  • KShots

    KShots - 2018-03-09


    I've updated the source and amd64 binary release for libcdorganizer after merging the 4.0.0 branch into the trunk... so try testing with that version. It looks like you were using the older 3.1.2 version from SVN. Working with your other questions, the lock file should have been under /var/run. Let me know what you experience when you use the newer version...

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-12


    I have updated.

    Had to run ldconfig -v to get the libiaries reconised.

    I now get the following error when running the deamon.

    cdorganizerd[1971]: /home/jeremy/libcdorganizer-code/libcdorganizer/src/daemon/pluginmanager.c:pluginloader(27) - ltdlopen(/usr/lib/libcdorganizer/dacal): file not found
    cdorganizerd[1971]: The KDS plugin is only capable of running a single device at a time as a unique id has not yet been deciphered from the USB traffic
    cdorganizerd[1971]: /home/jeremy/libcdorganizer-code/libcdorganizer/src/daemon/pluginmanager.c:pluginloader(27) - ltdlopen(/usr/lib/libcdorganizer/kds): file not found
    cdorganizerd[1971]: Creating local socket: /tmp/cdorganizerd
    cdorganizerd[1971]: Local socket '/tmp/cdorganizerd' created as 4
    cdorganizerd[1971]: Entering server loop

    usr/lib/libcdorganizer/ has a and


  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-12


    Coped over the precomplied cdoranizerd. The error stopped so I am missing somthing to complie. Any idea on the dependiencies.

    Now if i run lcdoctl list no devices are shown. The device appeared in the old version and i could send some commands.



  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-12


    Tryed running and pointing to the plugin DIR and error is still there:

    cdorganizerd[2021]: /home/rich/svn/test/libcdorganizer/src/daemon/plugin_manager.c:plugin_loader(27) - lt_dlopen(/home/jeremy/usr/local/lib/libcdorganizer/dac al): file not found
    cdorganizerd[2021]: The KDS plugin is only capable of running a single device at a time as a unique id has not yet been deciphered from the USB traffic
    cdorganizerd[2021]: /home/rich/svn/test/libcdorganizer/src/daemon/plugin_manager.c:plugin_loader(27) - lt_dlopen(/home/jeremy/usr/local/lib/libcdorganizer/kds ): file not found


  • KShots

    KShots - 2018-03-12


    Not sure... what build options did you pass to cmake? You can get a console-based configuration browser by running 'ccmake' on the source directory, which should let you tweak whatever values you need to make it work properly in your environment.

    The only dependencies for libcdorganizer are libusb-1.x and libtool.

    Your plugin loading issue is a bit strange... I can successfully load my plugins in my testing environment. It has me scratching my head that the daemon appears to know that the dacal and kds plugins exist... but then claims they don't exist. Permissions, maybe? But then I don't understand why it wouldn't just say permission denied rather than file not found.

    Also, the line "The KDS plugin is only capable of running a single device at a time as a unique id has not yet been deciphered from the USB traffic" comes directly from the KDS plugin... which it's claiming it can't find. So it can't find it, yet it executed it.

    Here's my output from my testing environment:

    graendal /home/rich/local/usr/sbin # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/rich/local/usr/lib ./cdorganizerd -f
    ./cdorganizerd[25594]: The KDS plugin is only capable of running a single device at a time as a unique id has not yet been deciphered from the USB traffic
    ./cdorganizerd[25594]: Creating local socket: /tmp/cdorganizerd
    ./cdorganizerd[25594]: Local socket '/tmp/cdorganizerd' created as 13
    ./cdorganizerd[25594]: Entering server loop

    Note that in my testing environment, I defined LD_LIBRARY_PATH because this is a local install rather than a system install (ie, libs are in /home/rich/local/usr/lib)


    Last edit: KShots 2018-03-12
  • KShots

    KShots - 2018-03-12

    Which model are you using? The Dacal DC-300, the DC016RW, or something else?

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-13


    Ok so used ccmake and fixed the issue. The configuration was pointing to a different version of libusb.

    lcdoctl now shows the following:

    Daemon reports the following device IDs:


    Trying to run:

    lcdoctl vendor dacal:0001094E

    * listing vendor commands requires a device argument*

    What device argument ?


  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-13


    I think there maybe an issue with lcdoctl:

    vendor device_id List vendor commands and exit
    exec cmd_id data device_id Execute a given vendor command with the given data (. for NULL) on the given device id

    The only way this will work is:

    lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E exec 0 dacal:0001094E

    I.E Device ID twice.

    lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E exec 3 dacal:0001094E - No response. Just Command executed sucssfully. Should give status?

    Commands that don't work:

    lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E eject slot 10
    /home/jeremy/libcdorganizer-code/libcdorganizer/src/utility/main.c:main(409) - At this point

    lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E insert slot 10
    /home/jeremy/libcdorganizer-code/libcdorganizer/src/utility/main.c:main(319) - At this point

    Do you have a document with the control commands:

    For example how did you discover 0x10 = LED Off?


    • KShots

      KShots - 2018-03-13

      Ok, now we're getting somewhere!

      I can see I screwed up the help - the vendor command should simply look
      at the '-d' argument, not requiring an additional device_id after the
      vendor command. At least, that's how it works programmatically. So the
      proper usage would be:

      lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E vendor

      The control commands were reverse-engineered using a USB sniffer and the
      Windows control API to trigger and capture event traffic. As such, some
      commands are supported... if you know how to use it. The 'get status' is
      a good example. It was unclear to me when I wrote the command what the
      expected responses were, so I capture it as a void * and return it to
      the client through the library. lcdoctl isn't smart enough to know how
      to handle the response, and given it's undocumented, I'm not sure how to
      handle it myself without a fair amount of trial & error. Another client
      could be written that is smart enough to handle the response, but the
      generic utility probably won't do.

      For the eject and insert commands, I see my error condition codes are
      inconsistent (returns a -1 on error, I'm checking for a 0), but you're
      also using it wrong. I'll update the code, but the correct usage would

      lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E eject 10

      lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E insert 10

      It's interpreting the string "slot" to mean slot 0, and returning 0 from
      the function (apparently it executes successfully if there are no error
      messages from the dacal plugin itself, but 0 would not be a legal slot).
      I'll update the plugins to include some boundary testing so accepted
      input should range from 0 < slot <= max_slots, and throw a sensible
      error message if it's out of range.

      On 2018-03-13 09:44, Jeremy Turner wrote:


      I think there maybe an issue with lcdoctl:

      vendor device_id List vendor commands and exit
      exec cmd_id data device_id Execute a given vendor command with the
      given data (. for NULL) on the given device id

      The only way this will work is:

      lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E exec 0 dacal:0001094E

      I.E Device ID twice.

      lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E exec 3 dacal:0001094E - No response. Just
      Command executed sucssfully. Should give status?


      lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E eject slot 10
      - At this point

      lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E insert slot 10
      - At this point

      Do you have a document with the control commands:

      For example how did you discover 0x10 = LED Off?


      Support for the DC016RW [1]

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      Life without passion is death in disguise

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-13



    Can the error be displayed as is in lcdoctl ?

    I belive my unit may also use some commands that you have not sniffed.

    I would like to be able to send aborty commands ie 0x10 0x15 etc

    Does lcdoctl process the commands or can i pass a command though and create a new fucntion in the plug in to pass the command out to the device.

    Nearly there. Seems they dont want to make it easy!

    • KShots

      KShots - 2018-03-13

      lcdoctl doesn't parse the data returned from vendor functions, as they
      could be pretty much anything (strings, ints, binary blobs, etc).

      For adding additional commands, you'll need to modify dacal.c (the
      plugin) to support additional functions. You'll need to add any new
      commands to the exec function and the list function.
      On 2018-03-13 14:57, Jeremy Turner wrote:



      Can the error be displayed as is in lcdoctl ?

      I belive my unit may also use some commands that you have not sniffed.

      I would like to be able to send aborty commands ie 0x10 0x15 etc

      Does lcdoctl process the commands or can i pass a command though and
      create a new fucntion in the plug in to pass the command out to the

      Nearly there. Seems they dont want to make it easy!

      Support for the DC016RW [1]

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      Life without passion is death in disguise

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-13


    Where is the returned data? Can this be output to the logs?

    • KShots

      KShots - 2018-03-13

      The returned data is simply dropped by lcdoctl. If you want to monitor
      the returned data, you'll need to tie into the library functions
      directly. I'd considered some advanced tuning on lcdoctl that lets the
      user attempt to define the data returned for user-friendly parsing, but
      had not implemented it. Essentially, I'd need to write a parser for each
      type of data (char, string, short, long, binary blob (as hex? ), etc).
      Even then, depending on the data it may not handle it correctly - for
      example, if a vendor function were to return an array of shorts. Best I
      could offer is a hex dump of the data in that case.

      If you want to use it for development purposes, it is stored in a
      temporary buffer after returning from the exec function. You could point
      a debugger at the buffer to see what's in there.

      I could probably also write a quick hack function to dump the returned
      data to a file, which would not require any kind of parsing on the part
      of lcdoctl.
      On 2018-03-13 16:20, Jeremy Turner wrote:


      Where is the returned data? Can this be output to the logs?

      Support for the DC016RW [1]

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      Life without passion is death in disguise

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-13


    Quick hack sounds great.

    My c experience is only limited. So any help will be great.

    You'll need to add any new commands to the exec function and the list function.

    Is this in lcdoctl as well as dacal.c ?

    • KShots

      KShots - 2018-03-13

      Ok, I'll see what I can crank out.

      The vendor functions are implemented exclusively in the plugins. lcdoctl
      simply passes them through. There shouldn't be any changes necessary in
      lcdoctl to add more functions.
      On 2018-03-13 16:40, Jeremy Turner wrote:


      Quick hack sounds great.

      My c experience is only limited. So any help will be great.

      You'll need to add any new commands to the exec function and the
      list function.

      Is this in lcdoctl as well as dacal.c ?

      Support for the DC016RW [1]

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Life without passion is death in disguise

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-13


    eject is working now. The unit is at my office so cannot test insert.

    These command fails.

    lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E exec 4.

    results in damon crash with error:

    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    As I read the help this should show the slot number in the drive

    lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E exec 6 .

    results in damon crash with error:

    /home/jeremy/libcdorganizer-code/libcdorganizer/src/plugin/dacal/dacal.c:dacal_eject_drive(247) - Device sent strange response
    cdorganizerd[6987]: /home/jeremy/libcdorganizer-code/libcdorganizer/src/daemon/msg.c:handle_exec_vendor_cmd(125) - Failed to execute vendor command id 6 on device id 'dacal:0001094E'
    cdorganizerd[6987]: /home/jeremy/libcdorganizer-code/libcdorganizer/src/daemon/loop.c:loop(196) - At this point

    Any idea?


    Last edit: Jeremy Turner 2018-03-13
  • KShots

    KShots - 2018-03-28

    I've done some refactoring that may have affected these... see what happens with revision 161.

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-04-04


    Testing out the new version:

    lcdoctl -d dacal:0001094E exec execredirect 3 dacal:0001094E /tmp/test.txt

    Results in: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    What am I missing?



  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-04-04

    Opps seen it. Sorry

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