
Can't eject disk in DC016RW

  • James

    James - 2013-01-12

    I've been playing with 3.1.2 and my DC016RW, and aside from my other issues, I was happy  to find I can now successfully send a disk to the drive and eject the disk from the drive as long as I don't mount the disk or try to run eject from the command line ($eject /dev/sr0).  If I do that, I need to power cycle the DC016RW.  Then I can run dacal_eject_disk. 

    Otherwise I get an error like "dacaldc300.c:dacal_eject_drive(631) - Device sent strange response".  The drive light remains red as well as the LED on the front.  If I power cycle the DC016RW, the LED on front turns green and I can run dacal_eject_disk.


  • KShots

    KShots - 2013-01-14


    I was not aware that the DC016RW had these issues. Unfortunately, I don't own this device, but my best guess as to the cause is that it registers to linux as an HID device, and is claimed by HID on initialization.

    What libcdorganizer does in order to communicate with your device is to tell the kernel to release the claim by HID and make its own claim, which may be interfering with your eject and mount commands (which are likely going through the HID interface). This approach was fine with "simple" devices that really didn't care that HID was released, but this case may be more complicated. I may attempt to decipher the HID layer and see if there's a means of controlling your device through that in the plugin rather than detaching it from HID.

  • KShots

    KShots - 2018-03-08

    I realize this thread is very old, but if someone is experiencing this issue, can you tell me what you're running on the command line, what the response is, and what the physical device is doing? I'm no longer convinced this is a HID device detachment issue.

  • Jeremy Turner

    Jeremy Turner - 2018-03-08

    Hi @Kshots

    Are you still able to assit. It looks like this does what i want but i cannot get the code to complie.

    I am trying to get DC016 working.


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