
Tree [fbce64] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 data 2019-11-05 Daniel Roque Daniel Roque [b5ee40] add option to schedule service startup by default
 scripts 2019-12-03 Daniel Roque Daniel Roque [fbce64] changed database check order
 ARCH 2016-03-24 Daniel Roque Daniel Roque [1d0d54] My second push
 LICENSE 2016-03-24 Daniel Roque Daniel Roque [9a3624] Initial commit 2016-03-29 Daniel Roque Daniel Roque [396f9e] empty file help removed
 VERSION 2019-12-03 Daniel Roque Daniel Roque [6a32c3] fixed to avoid lgpo command to create a empty d...
 makefile 2016-03-24 Daniel Roque Daniel Roque [1d0d54] My second push

Read Me


Linux Group Policy

This is a simple implementation of a basic system
where administrator may send administrative jobs to
a scpecific network

It works as follow on server you have a rsync
repository at /var/lib/lgpo called lgpo

Server Config:

Example of rsync server conf /etc/rsyncd.conf

lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/
path = /var/lib/lgpo
comment = Linux Group Policys
uid = root
gid = root
read only = yes
list = yes
auth users = lgpo
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
hosts allow =

Rsync password file /etc/rsyncd.secrets add
the line below



inside /var/lib/lgpo or anywere you decided to place it
create a folder called roles.
Roles are folders inside the folder roles can be aniyhing
you wanna name like: general, frontoffice, backoffice,
servers, gateway etc... on client side you gonna point that.


Inside roles you will create scripts that will run on
clientes, you need 3 things on scripts to be recognized
by clients as valid job.

- script mode must be 500
- script name must have extension .job
- inside script must have 2 variables

Every job will run once, to run a job again, you must change
its version on server side.
Example of job /var/lib/lgpo/roles/general/first.job

#This will be the name of you job, after a
#job is ran on the client they will record
#o inner database the name and the version
#of job, and will compare that on next run

#If you change the version, clients will see
#that as an not executed job yet, but history
#from previous versions will be see on client
#inner database

#this will be logged on client site on execution
echo "Helo World"

exit 0

Client Dependency:

shc compiler
sqlite3 database
rsync sincronization software

Client instalation:

On server you dont need to install lgpo just rsync
on clients clone repository make install on debian
systems I recomend make debian then dpkg -i *.deb.

Client Config:

instalation may place a config file ate /etc/lgpo.conf

#daemon pid file

#pool were server request will be placed

#if you chance job_log value, consider editing
#logrotate file to reflect your changes

#remote rsync user

#remote rsync user password

#if you set this to anything different of yes daemon
#wont run

#see roles
roles='station general'

#rsync server addres

#sqlite database, this small db store ran jobs

#frequency of new jobs check

Good Luck!

by Daniel Roque