
LG MediaCenter Menu / News: Recent posts

MS Harmony Pack v1.3 released

Released a new version of MS Harmony Pack v1.3.
See in Files section of this project.
– based on FW - 110113A, PipeManagement - v3.5, LG Menu - v107
– fixed scheduling
– added firmware and PipeManagement version string to be displayed in LG Menu (and in Settings page)
– new BusyBox v1.18.2
– improved system startup scripts
– workaround to eliminate nasty rebot-loop issue
– main LG Media Player application (DvdPlayer) from latest firmware 110113A
– changed Torrent client from rTorrent to Transmission
– includes new services - Transmission, miniDlna, DropBear, hdIdle, etc..

Posted by Ondrej Zima 2011-03-09

LG Menu v106 Fix for MS Harmony v1.2

User "carvicer" report a serious bug which prevent the weekly-scheduling planning. So we release following fix

Posted by Ondrej Zima 2010-12-15

MS Harmony Pack v1.2 released

Today, the MS Harmony Pack v1.2 is released.
- based on FW - 101027A, PipeManagement - v3.4, LG Menu - v105
– fixed channel editing
– fixed scheduling of channels not in sequence
– fixed bugs with "per week" scheduling
– fixed links in History page if recording is to external disk
– added PipeManagement configuration editor page
– added German translation
– added firmware and PipeManagement version string to be displayed in LG Menu (and in Settings page)
– new BusyBox v1.18.0
– new lgchanedit v0.3 with improved channel manipulation with channels-not-in-sequence
– improved system startup scripts
– main DvdPlayer application from latest official firmware 101027A

Posted by Ondrej Zima 2010-12-13