

Jeremy Wiig

Welcome to lfsHost-distro!

If you’re like me, you like to mess around with computers in your spare time. Learning to build and use a custom Linux system is a great way to do that, and Linux from Scratch is a great way to do that.

lfsHost-distro is a foundation for building Linux from Scratch on an x86_64 system.

Getting started:

1) Download distro
2) "Burn" to usb using Rufus (
3) Boot usb LOGIN AS USER: BUILDER PASSWORD: lfsHost&1 root password is also lfsHost&1
4) At the prompt run startx to launch LXDE
5) Use Firefox to access the Linux From Scratch book, conveniently set as the browser home page
6) User GParted to manage LFS partition
7) Use LXTerminal to copy and paste commands from Firefox and build the LFS packages

Please join us in the DIscussion section to let us know of any problems with the distro and to share your experience!