
Tree [r11] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 api 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 cron 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 db 2018-03-25 "" [r10] deleted old sql db
 dev 2018-03-24 "" [r7] Add patch for database
 doc 2018-03-25 "" [r9] add new full database sql file for setup
 gpl 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 ia 2019-06-21 wallaceer [r11] corretto salvataggio ed eliminazione fornitore
 img 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 languages 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 logs 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 public 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 style 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 templates 2018-03-25 "" [r9] add new full database sql file for setup
 var 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 wwwroot 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 .buildpath 2018-03-24 "" [r7] Add patch for database
 .htaccess 2018-03-24 "" [r7] Add patch for database
 README.txt 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r2] edit readme
 changelog.txt 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r3] edit site url
 index.php 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 lfsd.phprj 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup
 login.html 2018-02-22 wallaceer [r1] Startup

Read Me


System requirements
lsfd requires a web server, PHP and MySQL. The recommended web 
server is Apache, but IIS 5 and above have been reported to work also.
lsfd is not PHP4 compatible.
Recommended configuration:
: PHP 5.2 or greater
: MySQL 5.0 or greater
: Apache 2.0 or greater
If you do not have these installed on a server or your personal computer, 
you can visit the sites below to learn more about how to download and install
them.  They are all licensed under various compatible Open Source licenses.	
: PHP    :
: MySQL  :
: Apache :

See doc/INSTALL.txt

About lsfd
lsfd is an Open Source project. It is released under the 
terms of the Gnu General Public License (GPL) (see gpl/gpl.txt for details).  