
Post of mains pakages for level 10 alpha

  • Manuel De Girardi

    i have potes a best view of mains packages diagram
    to this view, i whould add A* algorithme to manage imaginary fonction.

  • Manuel De Girardi

    Hi all.
    I have some dificulties to implement the main fonctionality with neural based human machine dialog.

    I begin with consistant information of an professionale activity.

    In the first interfacing screen shot you can see a new interfacing of Prehander program with adding of Account management.

    I would create some object to create consistant information of it, with lines accounting.

    The two windows account begining by Name are the first exercice of activity problem.

    In the next view we would see the current exercice and the projection of another terminal exercice can be offer at A* algorithm to search the good action to ending at this terminal objective.

  • Manuel De Girardi

    So !
    We have implemnted a neural network interrogation in french text.

    You can write your samples set text in evry others language.
    UTF8 assumed.

  • Manuel De Girardi

    Hello some peoples.
    In the next version package.
    The command type is augmented by : dealin, dealout to create dealline for entreprise activity class.
    the command type is augmented by : attribute to create some attribute for entreprise class.
    the command type is augmented by shedule to create some plan/task in planning class.
    the command type is augmented by adjust to adjust the values for somes objects.

    the classes, planning, activity, plan, attribut, software is added to classes list.

    some attributs is possible : boolean, integer, float, natural, positive, string, wide_string and date.
    This attributs can be setted to constant or no.

    Planning : between 2 week to 5 week.


  • Manuel De Girardi

    In the 0.2.2b and after, you can write long note from input line.


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