
C/C++ Libraries (under GNU Lesser GPL) / News: Recent posts

CSUtils Library soon

A new library will be released monday (hopefully). This library will contain general purpose functions that are used in some classes, and also can be used in other programs as well.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-11-22

Point Class v2.1 released!

Point Class v2.1 is a simpler version of its predecessor.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-10-24

Project name changed!

This project is now known as "C/C++ Libraries (under GNU Lesser GPL).

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-10-24

Colour Class v3.1 released!

This version of Colour Class was released in the sequence or a small incorrection that was detected. Minor corrections were readily made, and so, this version went unanounced. Read the release notes to find out more.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-10-13

Point Class v2.0 released!

Point Class v2.0 was finally released. This version has great improvements and it is much powerfull than version 1.0 . It is complete enought to be considered a milestone. You can see a list of the added functions in the release notes.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-10-10

Point Class v2.0 soon

A newer and much powerfull version of Point Class will be released soon (hopefully in the midle of this month). This version is intended to be a milestone within this class. Now you can transpose, negate points, calculate the Midpoint between two points, etc.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-10-04

Help wanted!

We require your help since we are needing new ideas. Please contact me: cssamuel.fmlourenco@gmail.comcs with the subject "CS:ideas", and give new ideas for classes you might need.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-07-18

Colour Class v3.0 released!

Colour Class v3.0 was released today, as expected. This new version as a few minor additions, but most important of all, you can now use streaming operators.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-07-18

Colour Class v3.0 soon

A newer and better release of Colour Class will be released soon (hopefully tomorrow). This version is not to be a milestone like 2.1, but sure is more complete.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-07-17

Colour Class v2.1 released!

Colour Class v2.1 was released. This version is stable enought to be considered (version 2.0 already was).
A list of available functions will be released soon in the documentation section.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-05-05

Help needed in documentation

I need some help since I'm planning to make documentation for the Point Class v1.0 and for the Colour Class v2.1 that will be released soon (tomorrow hopefully).

The documentation must be in UK English. Hopefully I'll release documentation in Portuguese, to serve as a guide.

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-05-04

Colour Class v2.1 soon

A newer and better release of Colour Class, a C++ class that is useful to manage RGB colours, will be released soon.
It is a promise that this new release will be a milestone inside version 2 (release 2 under this version).

Posted by cumesoftware 2006-05-04