
Dataset Issue or Consersion Issue

  • Recoquillay Julien

    Greetings Pasi,
    Sorry to annoy you again.

    I have an issue and I would like your advice on it.

    My dataset is composed of 3437 individuals placed in 376 families. I do not have genomic data from the Grandparents.
    The SNP set is composed of 51100 SNPs

    None of those SNPs are considered to be informative by ParentCall2.

    Plus many individuals are set to "all missing" despite being in the vcf file.

    Do you think that the issue could come from :
    1)All the SNP are non-informative because the family size is too low ?
    2)There is an issue with the VCF files (that I generated with Plink) ?

    I added the Pedigree and the first lines of the .vcf files.

    Many thanks,


    Last edit: Recoquillay Julien 2024-02-05
  • Pasi Rastas

    Pasi Rastas - 2024-02-06

    Dear Julien,

    Thank you for your question, you are not annoying at all!

    It seems the individual names in the vcf and pedigree do not match. All the names in the vcf have underscore _ like 40821467912064082140401641_4112182101227 but the names in pedigree don't have it.

    As such, no data from the vcf file is obtained. To fix this problem, you have to figure the correct individual names.



    Last edit: Pasi Rastas 2024-02-06
  • Recoquillay Julien

    I feel dumb...As I never used vcf, I though it was a normal that the ID became "Family-ID_Individual-ID" after the conversion.

    Thanks again for answering such trivial things...

  • Pasi Rastas

    Pasi Rastas - 2024-02-09

    I am happy to help,


  • Recoquillay Julien

    Hello Pasi,
    Small question : does Filtering2 as a limitation on the size of the ID of the individual ?
    The PartentCall2 works perfectly but when I ran the Filtering2 module, I have the following Java Error :

    Number of individuals = 3437
    Number of families = 376
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: Range [0, -1) out of bounds for length 60
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions$1.apply(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions$1.apply(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions$4.apply(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions$4.apply(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBoundsCheckFromToIndex(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.checkFromToIndex(
    at java.base/java.lang.String.checkBoundsBeginEnd(
    at java.base/java.lang.String.substring(
    at DataParser.getNextLine(
    at DataParser.getNextLine(
    at Filtering2.filter(
    at Filtering2.main(
    Error 504
    Error: Unable to load input file or errors in the file

    As the file used is created by ParentlCall2, I am trying to understand, if they are issue in the format of the data itself that would create such bug.

    Many thanks for your help,


    Last edit: Recoquillay Julien 2024-02-14
  • Pasi Rastas

    Pasi Rastas - 2024-02-19

    Dear Julien,

    Could you send me the Filtering2 command line you have run?


  • Recoquillay Julien

    Of course I used the following command :

    java -cp /home/julien/lep-map3/bin Filtering2 data=/ark/users/julien/projects/LinkageMap/Parenttest.txt dataTolerance=0.001 > Filtering.txt


    Last edit: Recoquillay Julien 2024-02-19
  • Pasi Rastas

    Pasi Rastas - 2024-02-20

    Dear Julien,

    The Parenttest.txt might be a wrong file for this purpose. How did you produced it? Based on the name, I would think it is not the ouput from ParentCall2?


  • Recoquillay Julien

    Hi Pasi,
    The Parenttest.txt comes from ParentCall2.

    I tried to rename it as in your example in the wiki but it had not effect.

    Do you think that re-runing the ParentCall2 but with as the output file will be better ?


    EDIT : I re-launched the ParentCall2 analysis with this command :
    nohup java -cp /home/julien/lep-map3/bin ParentCall2 data=PedFormatLep3p.txt vcfFile=mapf2.vcf >

    EDIT2 :
    Command after run of command in EDIT :
    java -cp /home/julien/lep-map3/bin Filtering2 dataTolerance=0.001

    Give the same error than shown in previous messages.


    Last edit: Recoquillay Julien 2024-02-20
  • Pasi Rastas

    Pasi Rastas - 2024-02-20

    Hi Julien,

    Can you share a few lines of your parentTest.txt ? Like 10-20 first lines?



    Last edit: Pasi Rastas 2024-02-20
  • Recoquillay Julien

    Of course,
    Here are attached the first 50 lines.

  • Pasi Rastas

    Pasi Rastas - 2024-02-21

    The file is corrupted (due to nohup?). The ParentCall2 output from out and error streams are mixed. Run ParentCall2 without nohup (or add extra parenthesis so that this does not occur).


  • Recoquillay Julien

    Thanks Pasi.
    Trying it right now.

    EDIT : Situation solved. Thanks Pasi. Until the next :D


    Last edit: Recoquillay Julien 2024-02-22

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